About Us

Corina Blanco is a proud Latina from Venezuela, an entrepreneurial woman. Her strength is perseverance, perseverance and love for what he does. She is the founder of CoriArtBalloons, and has the ability to make flower arrangements and balloons. Its main objective is to provide its clients with unique memorable experiences that will last in their memories.

It all started in the year 2019 where she made personal adjustments, including a change of country, culture and state of comfort.She has trained with the best in the balloon market and has allowed her to perfect each technique. This has led her to position herself in this new challenge of creating, understanding and listening to her clients to bring joy to where her art compositions are requested. And it has its Motto “If you feel it, you think it, it will happen”. She is a faithful believer that the passion for what she likes to do is linked to training, education, constant updating with new market trends.

CoriArtBalloons, our vision is to provide the perfect inflated accessory and flowers for your celebration by working with the customer to offer a personalized service.

Dare to bring joy with……. THE ART WITH BALLOONS!

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